July 2024 Athlete Of The Month

Name: Lucas Willey

Age: 28

Occupation: Electronics Technician

Were you athletic or involved in sports when growing up? If so, what sports and or activities did you participate in? I played soccer and did martial arts.

Were you working out regularly prior to joining Baltimore Built? If so, what were you doing? I was going to golds at 3 am to do powerlifting mixed with bodybuilding as well as running.

What brought you to Baltimore Built? Kelsey wanted to try it out and I like trying different types of training.

How long have you been a member at Baltimore Built? About a month and a half.

Why do you workout? I enjoy lifting heavy and being able to run far. 

What is your favorite lift or movement and why? Power cleans because it feels nice not to squat.

What is your favorite workout or type of workout and why? Favorite type of workout would be anything that involves a heavy lift at low reps followed by drop sets.

What have you accomplished as an athlete (big or small) during your time at Baltimore Built? I have gotten better at my oly lifts through coaching.

What fitness goals do you have for the next year? Run a marathon and run a sub 25 minute 5K.

How has your fitness influenced and/or impacted your life outside of the gym? It gives me something to look forward to at work.

What hobbies and activities do you enjoy outside of the gym? I run and play video games. Other than that I am pretty much always either working or doing school.