September 2024 Athlete Of The Month

Name: Thuan Do

Age: 25

Occupation: Cybersecurity Master’s student at Stevenson University

What brought you to Baltimore Built? The desire to push myself to the limit every day to be a better athlete. More importantly, I was looking for a community of athletes that all share a common goal to further improve our fitness and help elevate each other toward success. Baltimore Built checks all the boxes while being both fun and competitive. It is definitely one the parts of the day that I look forward to the most and I leave feeling accomplished every day. 

How long have you been a member at Baltimore Built? 12 weeks.

Were you athletic or involved in sports when growing up? If so, what sports and or activities did you participate in? I grew up playing the sport of Lacrosse in Washington State. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to play NCAA Division 3 Lacrosse at McDaniel College from 2020-2024. 

Were you working out regularly prior to joining Baltimore Built? If so, what were you doing? From playing Lacrosse, I was primarily a power athlete. Prior to joining Baltimore Built, I focused on compound strength and power movements such as the back squat, clean and jerk, snatches, bench-press, etc.

Why do you workout? I workout because I believe that having a strong foundation of fitness is the best medicine of all and is the key to stay healthy for the rest of my life. Working out helped me in many aspects of my life by teaching me to be consistent, resilient, calm-minded, work hard, and to continuously challenge myself to be the best version of me I can be. 

What is your favorite lift or movement and why? My favorite movement is the clean and jerk. I love it because it is one of the most difficult lifts to execute. The clean and jerk will expose all your strengths/weaknesses and is really satisfying when executed properly. 

What is your favorite workout or type of workout and why? Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying the conditioning portion more than the strength training portion. Throughout my fitness journey, I have always lacked in the conditioning department. But being with Baltimore Built, my conditioning has improved drastically in a short amount of time and I can finally run a mile without getting winded. I never thought I’d say this but conditioning is fun!

What have you accomplished as an athlete (big or small) during your time at Baltimore Built? With the guidance and unconditional support of all the coaches at Baltimore Built, I was able to accomplish many things I didn’t know I could. My biggest accomplishment so far is completing all the WODs at the 10th Anniversary Throwdown. This event was probably the hardest workout I’ve ever participated in and took every bit of my mental/physical strengths to complete. Finishing this event ignited a spark inside me and I can’t wait to accomplish many more things. 

What fitness goals do you have for the next year? To participate in crossfit events and run a 5k. 

How has your fitness influenced and/or impacted your life outside of the gym? Fitness impacted my life by showing me that I can accomplish anything through hard work, consistency, resilience, and determination. 

What hobbies and activities do you enjoy outside of the gym? My favorite activities outside of the gym is to be outside the house, whether it could be going for a walk, a road trip, or going out to eat.